Equine A to Z from Cheval Liberte

A – American Barns and Accessories

You don’t have to live in the United States to enjoy all the benefits of an American style barn. You simply need enough space in which one of these fantastic buildings can be constructed. An American barn can be as versatile as you need it to be – providing both shelter and healthy ventilation. Not only can it accommodate your horses in loose boxes or stalls but there can also be plenty of room for tack room and hay storage areas. Cheval Liberte has a number of different options in terms of style and design to ensure that your new barn can either blend in to current surroundings or be as distinct as you want it to be.

To run a successful stable, you don’t just need the roof over your head, you will also need plenty in the way of accessories – and Cheval Liberte can take care of all your equestrian requirements.

B – Barn doors and Badminton Horse Trials

Barn doors (or at least barn “style” doors) are hugely popular for homeowners looking to make a stylish statement on their property, but in the context of our equine A-Z, a barn door really is a door for a barn! As you would expect they come in different shapes and sizes in order to match your barn or building, whether they are sliding doors or swinging doors.

The Badminton Horse Trials is a world renowned 3 day event which is currently held in the spring of each year. Staged within the grounds of Badminton House. The event was first held in 1949 following the Olympics the previous year. The event has been cancelled on 5 occasions (4 times because of bad weather and once due to an outbreak of foot and mouth) but in 2015, the event will be staged for the 62nd time. Famous winners include Pippa Funnell, Mark Todd, Ian Stark, Lucinda Green and Mark Phillips.

C – Club Stable Door and Chalet Barn

The Club Stable door from Cheval Liberte is designed to work with either an existing building or a new stable build. When purchased, they are delivered to the relevant site already fitted inside their frames to make the job more straightforward. These doors are strong and sturdy and can stand up to any harsh treatment that the horses might dish out. The door panels themselves are available in a variety of finishes, whether you are looking for a natural or lacquered appearance.

I – Internal stables and Ireland

Internal stables are a fantastic way of utilising space that you may already have and could save you a lot of time and money if you have been considering building new stables. If you are fortunate enough to already have some outbuildings or old barns on your property, then with a bit of thought and clever design, these buildings can provide excellent accommodation for horses. Perhaps, you had not even thought about the use that those old buildings could provide and you could be sitting on a way of earning some extra money. Basically, the space in these existing building gets converted into a stable area with partitions and stable fronts – as many as the space will safely allow. At Chevel Liberte there are two main options to consider, namely the Prestige Range and the Standard Range – both will work equally well but deliver different aesthetic finishes.