Taking Care of Your Teeth

Visit the local dentist
While this may seem like a no-brainer, we often forget to schedule those unremembered dentist appointments. Even if you pride yourself on your oral hygiene, a visit to the dentist is warranted at least twice a year. What’s more, dentists can spot issues that we otherwise don’t notice. With that in mind, going to the general dentist is beneficial for long-term dental care as well. Itll save you money in the long run.

H2O is the way to go
Water is a staple of overall health, and especially when it comes to dental care. In short, consuming water both reduces the adverse effects of acidic foods and washes down the remnants of your meal.

Choose your toothpaste wisely
Whether you have sensitive teeth or perfer a specific toothpaste flavor, be sure your toothpaste contains fluoride. Though it’s earned some notoriety, fluoride breaks down plaque and prevents against tooth decay better than any other substance.

Use mouthwash
We tend to think that mouthwash is solely for combating bad breath, but mouthwash removes acid and cleanses the gums as well. If you’re not confident in your flossing abilities, mouthwash is great to follow up with as it ensures your mouth is pristine.